Deutscher Gleitschirm- und Drachenflugverband e.V.


Validity of foreign licences in Germany

According to the “Gastflugregelung” (regulation for guest pilots), a pilot whose permanent residence is abroad is allowed to fly in Germany with his home licence in connection with the IPPI-Card Level 4 or 5. Liability insurance following German (European) terms is mandatory.
Please note: The aboved mentioned is valid only for single licenses. Foreign tandem-licenses does not fall under this regulation. Commercial flying with passengers is only allowed with tandem-licenses from Germany and Austria. Tandem-licenses from CH and FR are valid for private flights, not for commercial flights. No other tandem-licenses are valid. 

A pilot whose permanent residence is in Germany is required to hold a German or Austrian licence, no matter whether he or she is a German or foreign citizen.
Other than for guest pilots (permanent residence abroad), a foreign licence in connection with the IPPI-card is not sufficient for pilots permanently residing in Germany. They are required to hold a German licence.

Please note: An APPI-Paragliding license is not recognized at all, neither for guest pilots nor as a base for receiving the German license, sorry!

Obtaining the German “Luftfahrtschein” (licence for hang- or paragliders) when holding a forgein licence, recognition of foreign training

Simplified training/exam for holders of an IPPI-Card Level 4 from members of the EHPU

·  The pilot has to perform a flight at a DHV-approved flight school to assess his or her practical skills
·  In case the pilot´s practical skills don´t meet the requirements for the A-Lizenz, he or she has to undergo further practical training
·  To determine his or her knowledge, the pilot has to have a technical discussion with the training manager or an appointed instructor of the flight school
·  If the pilot´s knowledge doesn´t meet the requirements for the A-Lizenz, he or she has to take further lessons
·  Exam in German and Austrian air law in front of a DHV-pilot´s examiner
·  Practical exam for the A-Lizenz in front of a DHV pilot´s examiner

The DHV issues the pilot the restricted licence (A-Lizenz) after he or she has handed in the required documents:

· Copy of foreign licence
· Copy of IPPI-Card
· The flight school´s confirmation of the pilot´s practical skills and knowledge
· The pilot´s test sheet of the air law exam
· Confirmation of passed practical exam

Simplified training/exam for holders of an IPPI-Card Level 5 from members of the EHPU

The DHV issues IPPI-Card Level 5- holders the B-Lizenz if they pass the simplified training/exam for holders of IPPI-Cards Level 4 as well as the exam in German and Austrian air law (for B-Lizenz). Furthermore, they have to provide proof of a cross-country flight of a distance of at least 15 XC-km.

Holders of a Swiss Brevet

The Swiss Brevet (category paraglider or hangglider) will be accepted as the basis for the issuance of the German Luftfahrtschein without the need of any further training or lessons. A practical exam is not necessary either. The pilot has to pass the exam in German and Austrian air law in front of a DHV pilot-examiner.
· To obtain the A-Lizenz, the pilot has to pass the exam in German and Austrian air law for A-Lizenz

To obtain the B-Lizenz, the pilot has to pass the exam in German and Austrian air law for A- and B-Lizenz. Furthermore, the pilot has to provide proof of 100 altitude flights he or she performed after the issuance of the Brevet.

Holders of the Swiss “Doppelsitzerberechtigung” category 2 (pilot-passenger) have to acquire the German A- or B-Lizenz first (as an additional licence, the passenger licence requires the pilot to hold the primary licence).
To obtain the German passenger licence, the pilot has to pass the exam in German and Austrian air law.

Holders of the swiss “Doppelsitzerberechtigung” category 1 (pilot-pilot) have to acquire the German A- or B-Lizenz (see paragraph above). To obtain the German passenger licence, the pilot has to
· Provide proof that he or she meets the exam requirements for the exams for the German “Doppelsitzerberechtigung”
· Complete the practical training and the lessons for the German “Doppelsitzerberechtigung”
· Pass the theoretical and practical exams for the German "Doppelsitzerberechtigung"

Pilots who hold a foreign licence but no IPPI-Card

A) The pilot has to send copies of his licence and record of his training to the DHV. These documents have to show the extent of the foreign training (numbers of flights, altitude difference, the flight exercises, theory lessons, instructor´s confirmation). The DHV then evaluates which parts of the foreign training can be acknowledged and assesses what the pilot has to complete in a German flight school. Everything that is also compulsory for the German training can be credited. The pilot only has to make up the missing parts. The DHV informs the pilot in writing.
B) The pilot completes the missing parts of his practical training and lessons in a German flight school.
Of course, the training demanded by the DHV is only the minimum training. It can be extended if necessary or if the training manager discovers further need for training.
C) Practical and theoretical exams have to be passed in every subject in front of a DHV-examiner.

Recognition of foreign training (no licence issued)

According to the DHV´s training- and examination regulations (Ausbildungs- und Prüfungsordnung), in individual cases parts of foreign training can be acknowledged upon request. This requires the foreign training to be equal to German training.
The applicant has to proof the training´s equality in terms of

· The foreign flight school´s and instructor´s status (approved/registered by/at the national member organisation of the EHPU)
· Supervision by instructors (equal to German training, most important is the supervision by two instructor´s during altitude flights)
· The training´s content (particularly altitude differences of training flights and content of the practical training and lessons)

Missing parts have to be completed in a German flight school.
Based on the training abroad, the flight school develops a training program that will enable the student to meet the exam requirements.



Please contact ausbildung@dhvmail.de



German flying schools that offer courses in foreign languages

Since foreign language courses are organized individually feel free to contact the listed schools directly by mail or telephone to find a suitable date and time for you.

Application form for the recognition of foreign licenses / training

I am applying for the recognition of foreign licenses / training

Application form for the recognition of foreign licenses / training with EHPU IPPI-Card Level 4

I am applying for the recognition of foreign licenses / training

Application form for the recognition of foreign licenses / training with EHPU IPPI Card level 5

I am applying for the recognition of foreign licenses / training